420-422 Elgar Road, Box Hill Vic 3128
电话 (03) 98992425
传真 (03) 98997909

36 Rutland Rd, Box Hill Vic 3128
电话 (03) 98994570
传真 (03) 98971320


Attendance and Telehealth

Appointments are required for all consultations. Walk-in consultations are available following a medical triage process and may incur a fee. Longer consultations can be arranged upon request and may also involve additional fees. Please be aware that appointment is necessary for repeat prescriptions.

Telehealth consultations are offered to existing patients who are registered with MyMedicare and have visited our clinic within the past 12 months. Telehealth services are also available for patients without Medicare cards, subject to applicable fees.

To schedule a telehealth consultation, please book an appointment, and our doctor will contact you around the scheduled time.

After Hours Care

This practice offers 24-hour care. For all afterhours needs, please ring Home Visiting Doctors on 13 7425.

Translator Interpreter Services

All our doctors can speak English and Mandarin. The translator Interpreter Service (TIS) is available for non-English, non-Mandarin speaking patients. Please speak to the Receptionist to organise the services of an interpreter.


Your Medical Record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized members of staff. We abide by the National Privacy Principals which are available at: www.privacy.gov.au. We ask you to respect that without prior consent we cannot release results to anyone other than the patient concerned.


Unless otherwise directed by doctors, a follow up appointment will be required to obtain your results. Even if your result is ‘normal’ further investigation or discussion may be needed.


Our Clinic maintains a patient recall system so that you can be advised of suggested ongoing reviews. If you do not wish to be a part of our recall system, please discuss this with your doctor.

Repeat Prescriptions

For Medico legal reasons the Practice policy is that repeat prescriptions require a consultation.

Long Consultations

Long consultations can be arranged; please speak with our receptionists, and note that additional fees may apply.

Patient’s right to participate in decisions about their health care

Our practice gives patients sufficient information about the purpose, importance, benefits, risks and possible costs associated with proposed investigations, referrals or treatments, to enable patients to make informed decisions about their health.

Engages with other services

Our practice engages with a range of health, community and disability services to plan and facilitate optimal patient care.

Procedure for referrals

It is the policy of this practice that an appointment is required to obtain referrals to specialists or other healthcare professionals. Our referral documents to other health care providers contain sufficient information to facilitate optimal patient care.

Telephoning Your Doctor

You can contact your doctor by telephone during normal surgery hours. A message will be taken when the doctor is with another patient. Emergencies will be dealt with immediately.


You can email our reception for enquiries and appointments. Our doctors do not communicate with patients through email.

Violence is not tolerance at this clinic

Patient feedback & complaints scheme

From time to time, we ask patients to participate in a survey. This allows us to improve our practice & facilities. If you are unhappy with any aspect of care you receive, we would appreciate knowing about it. Please feel free to discuss this with either your doctor or the reception staff. You may also like to put a comment in the suggestion box in the waiting room.

If there is a problem you wish to address outside the clinic you can contact the Victorian Government Service for handling health complaints.

Health Complaints Commissioner
Phone : 1800 166 066 or 8601 5200


诊所 1
420 Elgar Road
Box Hill Vic 3128
电话 (03) 98992425
传真 (03) 98997909

诊所 2
36 Rutland Rd
Box Hill Vic 3128
电话 (03) 98994570
传真 (03) 98971320


Booking on 420 Elgar Road, Box Hill Vic 3128

Booking on 36 Rutland Rd, Box Hill Vic 3128